Taking Richmond!

If you can’t stand the heat then get away from the argon! We’re right in the crux of our preparation for NAHBS. Like last year- we’ll be bringing three bikes down to the show. We’re really excited for the trek, err umm.. the RIDE down to VA.

According to Wikipedia, Patrick Henry delivered his famous “Give me Liberty or give me Death” speech in the St. John’s Church in Richmond. While it kind of feels like Virginia is biting on Boston’s eighteenth century Revolutionary ’steeze’ we will let it slide because Richmond is home to Jim Jenkins (creator of Doug!)

Richmond is also-also home to everyone’s favorite- GWAR! While those organizing NAHBS have not yet released a set list for GWAR’s performance at the Show; we’re sure they are going to blow everyone away with hits like MEAT SANDWICH off their landmark 1990 album (cassette?) Ragnarok.

I digress.. We are genuinely thrilled for the show and to spend time in Richmond. We’ll be at all the staples: the Urban Velo photo shoot + surprises, the Trick-Track thing on the 27th + surprises, and of course our booth!
NOW WITH MORE SURPRISES! if prolonged exposure to our surprises causes irritation please consult your local bike shop. Bianca and I might do some exploring on our own- I think we will steer clear of “Colonial Williamsburg” which, from what I gather, is some sort of Virginia Historical Society x RichmondFixedster collabo. project with more colonial-colorways than you can shake a bayonet at.

The best parts of the show is the brilliant spectrum of individuals who will be there too! I’m looking forward to catching up with those roaming gnomes Finkle and Brittain from the I Love My Bike Book project. Ian “legs for dayz” Sutton of Icarus Frames fame will be along for the trip with a surprise build of his own. This barely scratches the proverbial clear coat of all the big shot bikelebrities headed down- including friends like OMGANTBIKEMIKE! and IndyFlab and their bio-luminescent frames made with polished stainless unobtanium lugs or whatever the hell they’re scheming up- not to mention getting to see the freshest work from exhibitors like Bilenky, Cielo, Chris King, and duhh.. Don Walker!

We just locked down our ride and I’m working on our itinerary today. Marty’s under the welding mask and B.K. is somewhere with headphones in. It’s hard to believe the show is in only two wee.. WAIT.. 2 WEEKS?!@&!#@$?!?


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